about us

Founded in 2003, we have established a reputation for providing our clients with unparalleled service, regular communication and always dealing with our clients in a fair manner.

About us

Redwood Realty believes that the more transparent we are the more confidence our clients have in the services we provide. Redwood Realty wants you to feel that we are treating you in the same manner we would treat a family member and that’s exactly what we do.

Founded in 2003, we have established a reputation for providing our clients with unparalleled service, regular communication and always dealing with our clients in a fair manner.

When you have confidence in your realtor and your mortgage broker, you feel better about your prospects for owning a home, refinancing your mortgage or modifying your loan. That’s the difference Redwood Realty offers to each client. We consider every customer a member of our corporate family.

Free Pre-Approvals and Loan Commitment Letters

When you are ready to purchase a home, we know that understanding how much you can borrow is a big question. We take the guesswork out of shopping for a home by offering free pre-approvals. This allows potential buyers to shop for homes they know they can afford and saves time and stress. No more wondering how much you can afford; pre-approvals allow you to search for homes in your price range.

If you are ready to buy, a loan commitment gives you leverage. Loan commitments mean we have done a preliminary approval that not only tells you how much money you can borrow but also gives you an idea of how much you can expect to pay each month. Call us today for a pre-approval or a loan commitment. Redwood Realty is ready to help you on the path to home ownership.

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