Ali Hasnain Ali is the President of Redwood Realty Inc. He is a licensed CA Broker,NMLS approved Loan Officer and Realtor in the state of CA.
He has over 15 years’ hands on experience on the front lines of both the mortgage and real estate business.
As a direct lender and mortgage broker, he has vast experience in secondary market lending and direct channels to find the best home and solution for any mortgage or real estate problems one might face.
As a family man, he knows the importance of having peace of mind in both one’s home and finances.
With Mr. Ali’s experience and strong team at Redwood Realty Inc. you are sure to be able to find the right loan for your financial endeavor. Mr. Ali can be reached any time via email or direct contact. Please do not hesitate to contact him should you have any questions his staff cannot help answer.
Company License Info:
NMLS: 313361
BRE: 01528303
Ali Hasnain Ali License Info:
NMLS: 323217
BRE: 01892473